API, widgets, and links to build up your own project web
Torna al Centro assistenzaPubblicato: 9 augustus 2021Institutions with configured georeferencing pilot receive their own domain (like https://demo.georeferencer.com ) where "demo" is their own selected name. The website has adjusted style (logo, colors, fonts) which mirrors the website of the institution. Institutions are encouraged to implement their own website presenting the crowdsourcing project landing page and possibly also blog and other website components called widgets.
Widgets and crowdsourcing results
Widgets are website components showing the progress of the georeferencing pilot and statistics for work done by individual people.These may be used internally in the institution or publicly for a crowdsourcing pilot. Widgets can be embedded in other websites via HTML iFrame.
Data from widgets are available in JSON format as well, for closer integration by programmers with custom-developed systems.
For more information please visit: https://demo.georeferencer.com/docs/ (replace the "demo" in the link with your own institution domain name)
Linking into Georeferencer from your catalog or website
An institution can integrate a link from their existing websites, online catalog, or digital repository for individual maps directly into Georeferencer service with easy-to-use link APIs. For more information please see the article: Linking into Georeferencer from your catalog or website or visit https://demo.georeferencer.com/docs/ (replace the "demo" in the link with your own institution domain name).
Results of the crowdsourcing project
After the georeferencing project is finished there are several outputs.
Spreadsheet with geo-metadata exports
Spreadsheet table with the produced metadata (including MARC 034 field, bounding boxes, geo envelope, etc.). This table is in the Microsoft Excel format (XLS) and it helps to use the data for enrichment of cataloging library system or fo backups.
Download GeoTIFF & use map services
Access to raw produced data is via the "This map" page. It gives you the possibility to generate GeoTIFF from your scanned map with georeferencing information from the Georeferencer service.
"This map" page also provides links to Map Services (OGC WMTS standard) to all logged-in users. These can be opened in desktop software or online GIS tools - such as ArcGIS or QGIS.
On request (via info@oldmapsonline.org) we can also provide exports in additional data formats.
For more information please visit georeferencer documentation at https://demo.georeferencer.com/docs/